Billion$ and billion$ of In$urance dollar$ are about to be circulating in Oz due to the fires.
These crooks are "lawyering up" their scheme to "help" disaster victims by converting their Insurance claim cheques directly into "voluntary" tax-free charitable "donations" which will disappear directly to tax-free offshore "invisibility".
To " the religions criteria." be fully insured, sign the non-disclosure and give it ALL up for the cult.
The brand new "..ecclesiastical Governing Body" is truly a vomit-inducing thought.
The real governing body is the dishonest, greedy, legalistic GB that's disgraced themselves for 140 years.
They will be in a sweat to get themselves qualified to receive free emergency goods which they will then be seen distributing during self serving photo-ops.
Everyone get your cheques and pens ready now..